Custom Design & Development of eCommerce Store Themes, Add-on Functionality & 3rd-Party Integrations.

Dynamic Filtering: Elevate Your Product Discovery

Transform your eCommerce experience with AdVision's Advanced Dynamic Filters.  This solution creates variant-level filters, showing only relevant options for a seamless shopping journey.

Key Features:

  • Dynamic, variant-level filters for precise product options.
  • Automatically relevant filters, reducing admin tasks.
  • Customizable display to match your eCommerce theme.

Compatible with existing filters like price range and brand.

Having to create every possible color or size as a filter value and assign those values to the appropriate variants creates a lot of admin work that would constantly need to be updated.  Even then, having these static filters means showing filter values that might not even apply to a particular product set.  eg: showing the "Color" filter in a category of products that don't have a color option is useless and confusing for your users.

For example, if you create a "Color" option filter in the app, you won't have to build out or assign any values for that filter or determine if/when the filter shows. The app will only show the filter in categories that have products with a "Color" option, and when that is the case, it will identify which color values exist in that set of products to determine which color values should show in the filter.

If the products in the category only have colors for Red, Green, and Blue, the color filter will only show those values and not colors that might exist in other categories.  This saves you the time of creating and updating a universal Color filter and ensures the filter only shows when it's applicable to the products being viewed.

To accomplish this, when a user views a category page that lists products, the Advanced Dynamic Filters app hides the product results generated by the e-Commerce platform, and the app loads its own products and displays any applicable filters alongside the product results.  The app display is customized on installation to match your existing e-Commerce theme's product thumbnail display as closely as possible.

In addition to the filters generated by the app, the app can also work in conjunction with existing e-Commerce platforms filters, like the price range and brand filters.

Currently, the Advanced Dynamic Filters app only affects category results in the e-Commerce platform, it is not integrated with search results.

Why this App/Service:

e-Commerce platform custom filters are limited to the product level and other limitations on setting up filters.

  • Advanced Dynamic Filters - Generate dynamic variant option filters and build variant level custom filters

  • Mathieu Performance - Advanced Dynamic Filters - seen on the left sidebar

  • Airsoft Extreme - Advanced Dynamic Filters - seen on the left sidebar

Live Example(s):

  • Escapist Skateboarding - Advanced Dynamic Filters - filters seen at the topView
  • Mathieu Performance - Advanced Dynamic Filters - seen on the left sidebar View
  • Sports aux Puces VéloGare - Advanced Dynamic Filters - seen on the left sidebar View

Live Page(s) Image Gallery:

  • Basin Ski - Advanced Dynamic Filters - seen on the left sidebarView
  • Airsoft Extreme - Advanced Dynamic Filters - seen on the left sidebarView
  • Demo e-Commerce - Advanced Dynamic FiltersView

Demo Page:

  • Demo e-Commerce - Advanced Dynamic FiltersView

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