Custom Design & Development of eCommerce Store Themes, Add-on Functionality & 3rd-Party Integrations.

Show The Look, Show, Show The Style, Combine & Upsell

The e-Commerce Web store features Categories and Product pages as part of the standard browsing experience.  However, sometimes if there is more dynamic imagery, 'on' or 'in-between' these pages, this can help direct the visitors to where you wish them to go and to engage.

The 'Lookbook app allows for self-administration of all content, slideshows images, and text, on certain pages, so as to focus attention on specific products.  There are many ways in how this Lookbook functionality can be seen on an eCom Web Store.

For example, you could...

a - Load to an area on your homepage
b - Display thin horizontal banner images above each category
c - Show a larger slideshow that appears on it's own page


• Incentivize visitors by showcasing designers or brands
• Add and control other visual elements beyond product data
• Helps direct the visitor to specific products or categories

Why this App/Service:

To create a visual break from the standard eCom Web Store navigation process and to insert imagery to attract and direct the visitors browsing.

  • Designer Kids Wear - Product & Category Lookbook

  • Dromgoole's - Product & Category Lookbook

  • Octopus Ink - Product & Category Lookbook

  • Admin view of the Product & Category Lookbook

Live Example(s):
  • Betsy King Shoes - Product & Category Lookbook View
  • SAM Design - Product & Category Lookbook View
  • NIU Honolulu - Product & Category Lookbook View
  • GemOro: Tudor Watches - Product & Category Lookbook View
Demo Page:
  • Demo eCom - Product & Category Lookbook View

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There is no obligation, it is valid for 90 days and you can 'Accept the Estimate' as or when you are ready to proceed.

Alternatively, you are welcome to Contact Us directly to discuss.

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