Custom Design & Development of eCommerce Store Themes, Add-on Functionality & 3rd-Party Integrations.

Boost Trust: Showcase Customer Testimonials

Display authentic customer testimonials on your site to increase trust and drive sales. 

Integrate feedback on specific categories or products, allowing potential customers to see real experiences and make informed decisions.


  • Instills Customer Confidence: Real testimonials build trust.
  • Value Adds to Product Perception: Highlight positive feedback.
  • Helps Grow Sales: Encourages purchases through credibility.
  • Why this App/Service:

    Leverage genuine customer reviews to enhance your brand's reputation and boost conversions.

    • Customer Testimonials - Show Customer Feedback on certain Categories or Products

    • Sensory Kids - Customer Testimonials - seen above footer

    • Metzler Violin - Customer Testimonials - seen above footer

    • Metzler Violin - Customer Testimonials - Admin View

    Live Example(s):

    • Dillon Music - Customer Testimonials - seen above footer View
    • Plymouth Bay Winery - Customer Testimonials - seen above footer View
    • Sensory Kids - Customer Testimonials - seen above footer View
    • Metzler Violin - Customer Testimonials - seen above footerView

    Example Gallery Page(s):

    • Earrings & Company - Customer Testimonials - seen near footerView
    • Demo eCom - Customer Testimonials - seen near footer View

    Demo Page:

    • Demo eCom - Customer Testimonials - seen near footer View

    Get an Estimate

    Please fill in the following and we will send you an Estimate within 24 hrs, for Customer Testimonials.

    There is no obligation, it is valid for 90 days and you can 'Accept the Estimate' as or when you are ready to proceed.

    Alternatively, you are welcome to Contact Us directly to discuss.

    Click only once, as it takes a few seconds to set it up for you.

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