Custom Design & Development of eCommerce Store Themes, Add-on Functionality & 3rd-Party Integrations.

Don't List It - Show It - Easy Visitor's Navigation Experience

 The 'Color Swatch' app works in conjunction with the product matrix color options that you set up in the Point-of-Sale.

A more customized visual integration of this app is available here on this page that will have us fit this functionality into your existing theme aesthetics.

Seen on a given product page, the app's primary functionality allows you to offer a visual image reference (swatches) in place of or in addition to the standard select menu (that eCom offers) for the customer to select their preferred color.

These swatches can be a solid color or fabric patterns, an alternative to just plain text descriptions of the color.

The app reads the matrix options setup in the product data uploaded to the eCom Web Store and provides an administrative area for you to assign colors or pattern swatches (images) for a product's color options.

On the Web Store, when a visitor clicks on a color swatch, the color option field will be updated accordingly, which will activate the default eCom functionality associated with that color selection (e.g. the main product image changes).


• Ideal for products that have many color or pattern options
• Visitor interaction (UX) with swatches updates product info/images
• Self-administration tools gives you complete control of swatches

Why this App/Service:

A visual image reference of the true colour or pattern is more informative than text showing in a dropdown menu of options and encourages visitor interaction (UX).

  • Colour / Fabric Swatches - Show a visual reference of colors or patterns per a product's color options

  • River Colors Studio - Colour / Fabric Swatches - seen on the right

  • Magpie Knits - Colour / Fabric Swatches - seen on the right

  • Admin view of the Colour Swatch App

  • Color Swatch App Management

Live Example(s):

  • Fibre Space - Colour / Fabric Swatches - seen on the right View
  • Magpie Knits - Colour / Fabric Swatches - seen on the right View
  • River Colors Studio - Colour / Fabric Swatches - seen on the right View

Live Page(s) Image Gallery:

  • Peak Performance - Colour / Fabric Swatches - seen on the right View

Demo Page:

  • Demo eCom - Color / Fabric Swatches Demo Page View

Get an Estimate

Please fill in the following and we will send you an Estimate within 24 hrs, for Product Page - Colour Swatches.

There is no obligation, it is valid for 90 days and you can 'Accept the Estimate' as or when you are ready to proceed.

Alternatively, you are welcome to Contact Us directly to discuss.

Click only once, as it takes a few seconds to set it up for you.

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