Custom Design & Development of eCommerce Store Themes, Add-on Functionality & 3rd-Party Integrations.

Don't Be A Victim of Fraud - Protect Your Business

ClearSale: Pricing per approved orders, no setup costs or integration fees, no monthly minimums - Approve More Sales, Reduce Chargebacks, Maximize Customer Experience

- Let ClearSale make the tough decisions for you.

E-commerce fraud and chargebacks can quickly chip away at your bottom line. But with the wrong fraud protection approach, you risk false declines that turn legitimate customers away … toward your competitors.

ClearSale is the only complete fraud solution that addresses chargebacks AND false declines by combining sophisticated A.I. technology and expert secondary reviews to help you maximize your revenue, approve every valid order, and keep your customers happy.

- Fewer chargebacks. More revenue. Happier customers. That’s the ClearSale difference.


Highest order approval rates in the industry
Dramatically reduced chargebacks
Customizable approaches
Virtually zero false declines
Happier customers and a better shopping experience
Lightning-fast decisions
Data protection legislation and regulation compliance
Transparent, user-friendly online dashboard and custom reports

Why this App/Service:

- Chargeback Protection - ClearSale was the first company to offer chargeback guarantees – and the largest to still do so.

Our performance-based pricing structure also gives you the option of a chargeback guarantee: 100% reimbursement of any losses due to fraud-related chargebacks.

- Protection From False Declines
- When good clients are declined, that lost revenue won't appear on your income statement - but it exists. And it's significant.

Other fraud solutions automatically decline suspicious transactions. At ClearSale, our expert fraud analysts review every suspicious transaction, so you never leave money on the table.

- Let us make the decisions
- ClearSale's expert analysis provides you with a straightforward "accept/reject" decision you can always trust.

Our balanced approach combines artificial intelligence, advanced statistical techniques, and the strength of the world’s largest team of specialized fraud analysts to guarantee the accuracy of our results.

  • ClearSale Fraud Alert Integration - Get Peace of Mind - Fraud Scoring for eCom Orders

  • ClearSale Fraud Alert Integration - Admin view

  • ClearSale Fraud Alert Integration - ClearSale Dashboard View

  • ClearSale Fraud Alert Integration - ClearSale Dashboard View

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  • ClearSale Fraud Alert Integration - Admin ViewView

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There is no obligation, it is valid for 90 days and you can 'Accept the Estimate' as or when you are ready to proceed.

Alternatively, you are welcome to Contact Us directly to discuss.

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